Who We Are

We are a called community of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit. We boldly witness the gospel through Worship, Fellowship, and Stewardship to each other, our neighbors, and the world.

Grace is a welcoming, inclusive community of people who dialogue about our faith through scripture and social justice.

We encourage everyone to participate in worship and community life, facilitating a safe space for you to utilize your spiritual gifts in new ways.

Our congregation is devoted to sharing God’s love in worship, and spreading God’s love through acts of service locally and around the world.

Our hope is that you feel safe to learn, serve, and grow in this space. At Grace, we are all evolving on our spiritual journey together.

Grace Lutheran Church is a member of the Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA.

Grace Lutheran Church has had a profound impact on the community of Round Rock since 1977. It all began in the Spring of 1977, when the Mission Task Force of The Austin Conference in the American Lutheran Church granted permission for a new mission to start in Round Rock and purchased a 4.59-acre site. Rev. Harold Wernecke was called to begin the new congregation and invited Ralph Remmert to help him establish this new congregation. The first service occurred on October 2nd, 1977, at Trinity Lutheran Church, where 27 adults, five children and one infant attended. On January 1st, 1978, 18 voting members agreed on the name Grace Lutheran Church for our congregation.

Grace Lutheran was gifted a generous gift from our sister congregation, Palm Valley Lutheran, to purchase a portable for our Sunday School program. Frank Taylor paid off the mortgage as a memorial to his wife, Lisette, and the building was rededicated during our 10th anniversary celebration. The portable building known as the Adult Education Center was renamed the Taylor Education Center in honor of the Taylors in 2009. Grace Lutheran Church uses the TEC to host annual special events and fellowships. Various organizations also use this space to host their meetings.

Our third building, the Wernecke Grace House, was purchased in 2006 and renovated to be used for our various ministries and community organizations. Meals on Wheels utilizes our kitchen to prepare meals before they are delivered to residents. Grace Lutheran Church is service-oriented and helped establish the Round Rock Serving Center with other congregations in May 1986. The Round Rock Serving Center provides many resources for those in need.

Over the years, we have served over a thousand people who have walked through our doors. Grace Lutheran Church's mission and vision reflect the evolving needs of our community and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The History of Grace Lutheran Church















Rev. Hephzibah Penumaka serves as the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church. She is the fourth female pastor and the first woman of color in the church’s history. Originally from New York City, Pastor Hephzi earned her Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. She was approved for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament by the ELCA and was ordained in August 2023.

In her free time, Pastor Hephzi enjoys long drives, reading, researching the Bible, and listening to music. She is enthusiastic about her role as the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church and looks forward to witnessing the wonderful things God will do in both the church and the Round Rock community.

Pastor Hephzi's office hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To contact her, please call the church office or email Pastor@graceline.org.